n=int(input('Enter the number of capacitor used: '))
define single():
  if n==1:
    c=int(input("Enter the value of capacitor in mF"))
    v=int(input('Enter the breakdownvoltage'))
    print('The maximum safest voltage for given capacitors\in parallel combination is{}'.format(vbr))
def combination():
  if n==2:
    comb=input('Enter the type of combination as S/s or P/p: ')
    c1=int(input("Enter the capacitance of 1st \ capacitor in uF: "))
    v1=int(input("Enter the breakdown voltage of\ 1st capacitor in voltes: "))
    c2=int(input("Enter the capacitance of 2nd\ capacitor in uF: "))
    v2=int(input("Enter the breakdown voltage of \2nd capacitor in voltes: "))
  if comb=='s' or comb=='S':
    print('The maximum safest voltage for given capacitors\ in series combination is{}'.format(vsafe1))
  elif comb=='P' or comb=='p':
    print('The maximum safest voltage for given capacitors\in parallel combination is{}'.format(v))